Critical Race Analysis
One of the main focuses of Iriba-Brunnen e.V. is the deconstruction of racism through a critical analysis of it. Discover our educational offerings and projects on this topic here.

Empowerment and Networking against Racism
Fighting Structural Anti-Black Racism through Empowerment and Networking in Münsterland and NRW: The focus is on empowerment programs for people of African descent, BIPoC, Afro-diasporic, and Black individuals. The project helps address the problems this group faces, which hinder their development, integration, and participation in various societal areas. It aims to support Black and BIPoC…
The DIA-logical Project
Das Verbundprojekt DIA-logisch: Dialog, Intersektionalität, Allyship – Rassismuskritik neu denken! möchte Ansätze schaffen, Intersektionalitäten, Machtdynamiken, Privilegien und strukturelle Benachteiligung innerhalb von Agierenden und Teilnehmer*innenschaften reflektieren und diskutieren.